Riga City Cup U-14 starts in 2 days!
18.02.2016 11:14
<p class="rtejustify">In less than 2 days in Riga Olympic Centre, Grostonas 6b, Riga, an international youth football tournament Riga City Cup will take place. This will be the second tournament of such kind. First of them happened a week ago for an age group U-13 boys and FS Metta Riga from Latvia became Champions. More on that you can read on <a href="http://www.lff.lv/lv/zinas/biedri/pirmaja-riga-city-cup-turnira-uzvar-fs-metta-jaunie-futbolisti" target="_blank">LFF.LV website.</a></p>
<p class="rtejustify">However, this time, over the weekend from 20th till 21st of February age group U-14 boys will come to Riga to participate in Riga City Cup. Teams from Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and England will be there and will try to prove that they are the best footballers. You can check out all of the teams under the <a href="http://turniir.ee/rigacitycup/teams?class=111" target="_blank">TEAMS section.</a></p>
<p class="rtejustify">Also you will be able to follow all the results on live mode as they will change in real time when the matches will be played. First match starts at 9:30 on Saturday when Mastern Saturn from Russia will take on FS Metta Riga from Latvia.</p>
Riga City Cup trophy goes to England
Added on 21.02.2016 21:30
Riga City Cup U-14 starts in 2 days!
Added on 18.02.2016 11:14
U-13 tournament has finished
Added on 15.02.2016 16:43
1st Day of U-13 tournament
Added on 13.02.2016 23:04
2 tournaments in 2 weekends
Added on 11.02.2016 19:28